April 27, 2016


The eligibility test for voting in the SORO election is much more generous than other city, state and federal elections.

Small SORO map

Click map image for larger map

If you are 15 or older, and a SORO stakeholder (even if you are not a US citizen), you can vote.

A stakeholder is someone who can say yes to any of the following:

  • Do you live within the SORO borders?
  • Do you work within the SORO borders?
  • Do you own real property within the SORO borders?
  • Can you affirm that you have ongoing and substantial participation in a community organization within the SORO borders, whether an educational and/or non-profit organization (like a synagogue church, temple or mosque), or other SORO local organization?

Voting in the SORO election is especially meaningful for teenagers who are 15 or older, but not yet old enough to vote in general elections.  What a great way to participate in American democracy in a meaningful way.